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Ice Texture Pack Version 1.0

Ice Texture Pack

6 HD ICE Textures - Seamless

original work. Exclusive for Second Life™

All get very high details.

Enjoy landscaping ice environments, frozen lakes, cliffs, floors. Winter is coming. There are 3 textures colours, and with/without cracks. 6 Textures total.

Seamless .
1024 - 1024 textures
24bit JPG (uncompressed)

All the textures are full perm.

For any question send notecard to Amphetamine Serenity, inworld. For ANY extension of lisence OUT OF SECOND LIFE, IM or send notecard to Amphetamine Serenity, inworld


My terms of service concerning all my textures packs:

On purchase or download you thereby agree to the following terms, authorisations and limitations:

(1)On purchase and download, you are authorised to :

Include and distribute and sell the [ALPHA] Design textures in components of your Secondlife™ products and builds.

(2) You are NOT authorised to:

Separately sell, resell, sell as, duplicate, collate, distribute, sub-license, publish, market, or re-present - for re-sale or as free textures, any original [ALPHA] Design textures or any derivative there of, in any known digital file format or unknown digital file format, by any means what-so-ever, invented or yet to be invented, without prior, written permission from [ALPHA] Design.

Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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full star full star full star full star full star Posted August 11, 2018 by Rah Rehula

My first purchase from this creator. Very nice designs. The texture repeat looks good up to 3X. After that, it can look "un-natural".
Will be a repeat customer.

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