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Idlemind Industries: Hot Drinks Mug (Boxed) (DEMO VERSION) Version v1.0.0

Idlemind Industries: Hot Drinks Mug (Boxed) (DEMO VERSION)

We here at Idlemind Industries know that after a long day's work, you just want to sit down and relax with a nice hot drink in SL... so we created what is probably the most versatile and detailed mug on the grid!

Full Version Details:

There are 15 drinks to choose from- 5 tea, 5 coffee and 5 hot chocolate flavours.

The mug has 17 different patterns to choose from - and both the mug itself and each pattern has 23 different colors to choose from, giving 529 possible color combinations!

The boys in the lab worked that out to be an outstanding 8,993 different combinations of color and mug pattern... so that's pretty customisable!

The realistic drinking animation affects only the right arm and head- and isn't "over-the-top" like some drinking animations that tip your avatar's entire body back- it's subtle and smooth, like your favourite drink.

The steam particle effect is also subtle- your drink will slowly steam away in your mug, without obscuring your avatar. Careful with that hot beverage!

Sat down and the animation was interrupted? No problem! Access the menu via touch or chat channel command (by typing "/8 menu") and hit "Reset Anim"- your animation should blend nicely with your sit.

Make Idlemind Industries your first choice- you won't regret it.

NOTE: Some features are unavailable in this demo version, but the drinking anim, steam and some patterns are viewable.

  • Drinking Animation
  • 15 different hot drinks!
  • 17 different mug patterns
  • 529 color combinations
  • Steam effect!