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*~*Illusions*~* Varda Mask

*~*Illusions*~* Varda Mask
*~*Illusions*~* Varda Mask
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Exquisite, romantic, feminine and most of all, beautiful. Roses have captured our eyes, hearts and fascination ever since we discovered them... just like a woman should. Instill a bit of that beauty and captivating power with this stunningly detailed mask.

Scripted to change texture on touch, the roses, leaves, and mask are all customizable to match whatever fantasy you can imagine. Over 30 colors of rose, ranging from the real to the unreal.

Illusions roses are not made from a sculpt pack or a prefabricated model, they were crafted with love by Siyu Suen, over months of rough drafts and painstaking perfectionism to be as real and as beautiful as possible. If you want to see the detail in person, visit the in-world store and try a demo!

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  • Scripted to change texture on touch
  • Includes 12 different mask colors
  • Choose from 6 leaf colors and over 30 rose colors

L$ 150

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Sold by: Siyu Suen

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This item contains wearable items for your avatar.

Works with Classic and Mesh Avatars
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