Pierrot, as a Commedia Dell'Arte character, was a sad clown. He was the lovelorn and naive innocent who pines with unrequited love. However, I admit I took some liberties, and though many of the included patterns are traditional there are some that are obviously not!
This mask can be changed to a collection of nine mask variations, accessible through a menu that is activated via touch/clicking. The mask is unrigged to allow you to move, rotate and modify it for your avatar's face to give it that perfect fit.
If you'd like to try before you buy, demos are available at my store.
Crafted with love by Siyu Suen
Voir l'article dans Second Life- Mask
- Masquerade mask
- Venetian mask
- elegant mask
- white face mask
Great mask BUT
Wow great mask BUT if you screw it up, its impossible to get it back to its orginally form. There really should be a "reset" button it this since there is no touch resizer; you have to resize manually.
*_* perfekt
I realy love this mask ^^ the shape the texture... great
Amazing Mask
I LOVE this! Got so many compliments at a masquerade party I went to. I wear it occasionally just for no particular reason cause it is so awesome.