"The Halona" - A prefabricated home skybox. 5 rooms, patio area, dark hardwood floors, archways, brick exterior.
Only 70 prims.
20x30 meters.
Copy / Modify / NO Transfer
Packaged in easy Rez-Faux system.
- 5 Rooms
- Patio Area
- Archways
- Hardwood Floors
It is a bit odd that the front walls are windows, and I do think that should have been better disclosed in pictures. BUT... it's a really great building, and at such a low price, making the walls non-see through is a simple fix, if it bothers you. Personally, I'm very pleased with this purchase!
Interesting design, picture deceptive...
I love the way the skybox looks, except for one thing... the entire front is clear. >.> Serious lack of privacy. If I had known, I would've probably second-guessed my purchase.
just like the first review stated there is no front the walls are not really connected at all, i should have took into account the first reviewers statement and never bought this now im out 40 bucks dont waste your money on this!!
Umm Where is the rest...
It looks so beautiful in the pictures and I rezzed it and there isnt a real patio, the front walls are all transparent, looks more like a store than a house.... :( Not happy