[Infested Queen] Full mesh avatar w/ working wings
![[Infested Queen] Full mesh avatar w/ working wings](https://slm-assets.secondlife.com/assets/13211971/view_large/infested.jpg?1453227404)

About Infested Queen:
Wear the alpha, shape and all the items. The wings are scripted to be closed when on ground and opened when flying.
You can control the items glow via chat with the following commands (don´t use the quotes):
"/1glow 0" (no glow)
"/1glow 1" (weaker glow)
"/1glow 100" (stronger glow)
Type any number in between to get different results.
You can also affect individual items changing the word "glow" for these ones:
The shape is MOD, but PLEASE make sure to make a copy and rename it before making changes.
Regarding your graphic preferences (ctrl P) you will see these items in a different fashion:
_if you have "lighting and shadows" checked you will see them as a metal-like surface.
_if you have "lighting and shadows" unchecked you will see them as a mirror/plastic-like surface.
Try both and see which one is best for you.
See item in Second Life- Glowing via chat
- Wings open when flying
Just what i wanted for a halloween party!! Looks scary as hell... :)
L$ 100
Use It Now
This item will be delivered directly to you or a friend in Second Life, unpacked and ready to use. No land or sandbox required.
More info
- Copy
- Modify
- Transfer
- User Licensed