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Intan Couple Dance: Anyplace & Remote (Modify-Copy)

Intan Couple Dance: Anyplace & Remote (Modify-Copy)

Intan Couple Dance Anyplace and Intan Couple Dance Remote are remotes to Intan Couple Dance Ball. They are not the dance machine and only work when you have Intan Couple Dance Ball on the Sim

This package is contain Modify/Copy/No-Transfer:
- Intan Couple Dance Anyplace
- Intan Couple Dance Remote

Intan Couple Dance Anyplace and Intan Couple Dance Remote share the same shape, differ on their name and sub functionality in remote the Intan Couple Dance Ball

As the package of Intan Couple Dance Ball, we deliver Intan Couple Dance Anyplace included. The Intan Couple Dance Anyplace in package Intan Couple Dance Ball come with No-Modify/Copy/Transfer permission.

On some occasion, you need to have modifiable Intan Couple Dance Anyplace like when:
- Network name of the Intan Couple Dance Ball is changed
- Changing the text on the Intan Couple Dance Anyplace
- Change color, or any other primitive attribute.

Network name of Intan Couple Dance Ball version 3 can be change via Web Control Panel.
Network name for Intan Couple Dance Anyplace and Intan Couple Dance Remote are inside notecard Setting.

Intan Couple Dance Anyplace
Intan Couple Dance Anyplace is the first remote to Intan Couple Dance Ball. It's a simple process, very low lag, no-listener, no-timer, no-loop. Touching Intan Couple Dance Anyplace will be the same touching Intan Couple Dance Ball on the same sim with same ownership;

When you upgrade your Intan Couple Dance Ball, there is nothing to worry with all your setup Intan Couple Dance Anyplace all over your place. They will be working with any version of Intan Couple Dance Ball and we guarantee it's compatibility.

On most case, it's better to use the Intan Couple Dance Anyplace instead Intan Couple Dance Remote.

Intan Couple Dance Remote
Intan Couple Dance Remote mainly working like Intan Couple Dance Anyplace, but it have sub-functionality as Proxy Rezzer of your Intan Couple Dance Ball. 2 conditions that require Intan Couple Dance Remote:
1. You have separated parcel and there some parcels in beetween may block Object Entry so the poseball rezzed by Intan Couple Dance Ball could not reach the target position.
2. You have loaded the Intan Couple Dance Ball with no-transfer animations, but the parcel permission setting can't be set to build for group. On this case you need transferable Intan Couple Dance Remote and deed it to the group.

Intan Couple Dance Remote only compatible with Intan Couple Dance Ball version 3 and above. If you have version below, you can upgrade your Intan Couple Dance Ball. Detail information and upgrade instruction can be read on:

At first time, Intan Couple Dance Remote will asking poseball from related Intan Couple Dance Ball (Related mean, same ownership, group if deeded and on the same sim). The poseball will be saved and used when it needs to rez poseball. To be REMEMBER, in future, when there is upgrade on the Intan Couple Dance Ball, the poseball inside the Intan Couple Dance Remote need to be updated manually. To update the poseball: Touch and Hold for 10 seconds until it give you Admin Options and you can Update Ball. You will to do this one-by-one on all your Intan Couple Dance Remote.

See item in Second Life
  • Intan Couple Dance Anyplace (Modify/Copy/No-Transfer)
  • Intan Couple Dance Remote (Modify/Copy/No-Transfer)
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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Works fabulous
full star full star full star full star full star Posted December 28, 2018 by EdwardBlackstone

This works great with my Intan ball, Love it! Great that it was free!

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