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Invidah* WTF Outfit (Boxed WEAR or Rezz to unpack)

Invidah* WTF Outfit (Boxed WEAR or Rezz to unpack)

IMPORTANT!!! This product contains mesh please try demo before purchasing

You are viewing the Mahara Outfit from Invidah
Sexy Goucha pants with matching tube top
100% MESH. Pack includes:
- pants &top in 5standard sizes
- pants &top fitted for Slink Hourglass
- pants &top fitter for Slink Original
- pants &top for Maitreya
- Texture HUD
- Alpha Layers


- For Mesh Bodies (not mentioned above), slight body adjustments and/ or use of your Alpha Huds should help to fit the outfit wonderfully. However please try the DEMO first!

- PERMISSIONS... all included items are copy. the non-mesh skirt panels and alpha layers are copy/mod so you may adjust as needed to fit your avatar.

Please consider leaving a review. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me
(Kaarah Resident). Note card or IMs whatever your preference I will assist in anyway I can.

Reviews are always welcome, your opinion is important to me however if you have issues with the product I advise you to contact me in-world for a speedy and effective resolution. I DO NOT follow up on product reviews.

Thank you in advance for your Purchase!

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