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~Isil~ Cryostasis Escape Pod

~Isil~ Cryostasis Escape Pod
~Isil~ Cryostasis Escape Pod
7 Reviews

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IN-WORLD SAMPLE available at

Sleek, detailed cryogenic stasis pods for long term storage or lengthy space flights that can double as escape pods. Highly detailed, handcrafted textures are further enhanced with advanced materials (normal and specular mapping). Sleep pose is included along with animated door, sound and particle fx. Each pod costs only 2 land impact.

Product features:

~ 2 variants (black and white) of the Cryostasis Escape Pod

~ Materials enabled (specular + normal + emissive) **
~ Custom pose

~ Animated door with particle and sound effects

~ Only 2 Land Impact per pod

~ Ambient occlusion texture templates for customization

~ Mod + Copy perms (ignore the no-mod tag in the item name. It applies only to the sitter script within)

Visit Isil's store at

For more information, or if you have any questions, suggestions, and requests, feel free to send a notecard or IM to Isilmeriel.

See item in Second Life
  • 2 variants (black and white)
  • Materials enabled (specular + normal + emissive)
  • Custom pose
  • Animated door with particle and sound effects
  • Ambient occlusion texture templates for customization
Average rating: full star full star full star full star half star
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  • 2 star:
  • 1 star:
Looks great!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 21, 2018 by Tugendhafte

I've had this for a long time, and I have to say, it looks great. The animation, sound, and particle effect is awesome.

Probably my favorite cryo pod on the market. And you also get isil's great customer service.

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Excape pod or cryo pod?
full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted October 09, 2016 by steph Arnott

Well this was not what i wanted, when i visited the sim there is one at the end of the launch bay that goes to the ground as an excape pod would do. This is a static cryo pod, i had assumed the bold type decribed its function when in fact it is the lesser type that does. Also there is very little at the sim to distingish between the two. Nice to look at and lay in for 30 odd seconds but thats about it.

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L$ 375

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Isil Designs
Isil Designs
Sold by: Isilmeriel

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This item will be delivered directly to you or a friend in Second Life, unpacked and ready to use. No land or sandbox required.

  • Copy
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  • User Licensed
Automatic redelivery
Mesh: 100% Mesh
Land Impact: 2