Izel Couture Gala Mexicana
Precioso Vestido mexicano con los colores patrios,en razo con listones de seda y bellos accesorios,cabello ,rebozo,aretes zapatos,..con la mejor calidad y diseños ,celebra este mes patrio con la ropa tipica de Izel Couture,busca en relacionados
Beautiful Mexican Dress with patriotic colors on race with silk ribbons and beautiful accessories, hair, shawl, earrings, shoes, .. with the best quality and designs, this month celebrates patriotism with Izel typical Couture clothing, related searches
- Precioso Vestido de gala para este mes patrio
- Vistete de gala con este vestido muy mexicano
- Viva Mexico ,precioso y sensual vestido Mexicano
I am sad!!
I bought this dress for the mexican independence day and it is beautifull really but iy just comes with 1 shoe and one of the earrings has ful bright and the other doesnt, it is no copy and no modify so i can't fix it. i can't resize, it doesnt come with resize scripts. The hair is awesome