[JD] EP Pony - Tired Mod BOX
[JAPANDRAGON] EP Pony - Tired mod
For this mod you need :
- Equestria's Pride Pony avatar
In this box you can find :
- Textures for your head, male and female versions
!! This is NOT a full avatar and NOT an official Equestria's Pride product. Contact JapandragonJD if you need help !!
Credits :
- Mane : MLP Bloke Mane
- Tail : MLP Shorty Tail
- Ears : [CF] Bat Pony mod
- Ears Piercings : Darkshine's Secret Stash - 48 assorted Pony Piercings
- Googles : fillyaw p1nk - Dangerous Mission Goggles
- Eyelids : DS; Darling Eyelids
- Eyes : Yumera - Nocturne Eyes - Gold
- Nose piercings : fillyaw p1nk - Filly Bridge Piercing
- Collar : Traditional Stud Collar (no more available :c)
- Wings : OldVamp's Creations - Bat pony mod
Please rate this item if you like it !
Have fun <3