Best gift for christmas for the people, who like model trains, and want highest quality in fair price.
The J's Model train BASIC-Winter is a small model train set with a purpose of enhancing your home / place with a moody little scenery featuring a steam locomotive consist.
In the BASIC-Winter version the train runs on the oval track we assembled optionally with a railway car. It stops at the station for a few seconds and signals upon entering into the tunnel.
Steam engine 13 prim /mod-trans/
Railway car 6 prim (optional) /no perm/
Table with station
and grotto 7 prim /trans/
Trees 10 prim, 7pcs (optional) /trans/
Rails 4 prim, after clearing the setup points /trans/
Snowman 4prim (optional) /trans/
Travellers 2prim (optional) /trans/
Lake and snowDrift 4 prim (optinal) /trans/
(At first rez you must have at least 78 free prims on your land. After you made the route programming procedure -see below- you may delete the checkpoints, and you will have a 50 prim full detailed table train toy. If you want, you can remove the optional objects, and with low details -table-grotto-engine-station- it needs only 24 prims.)
Installing the set
We provide a step-by-step install. If you encounter problems (not too likely), we advise you to read through the whole notecard, it should give you an answer to any questions.
1. Rez the "~JD~ MTF Model Train Table with Engine". It contains everything except the railway car.
2. If the orientation looks OK, procced to Step 3. If it doesn't, you must select every single object and rotate the whole set. (DON'T LINK THE OBJECTS!) This might ruin your set, if executed badly! If you decide to rotate the set, go to the "Recording a route" part of this manual.
3. You should see red arrows on the rails, also 2 glowing white arrows. (The first one is for the steam engine, the second one is for the passenger car.) Click on the first one. The train will slide to that point.
4. Choose between 4a and 4b.
a. If you want to run the train without cars -- go to Step 6.
b. If you want to run the train with a car -- rez the JD MTF Railway Car.
5. Touch the second glowing white arrow. The RC will slide there. Touch the steam engine and select ATTACH CAR.
6. Touch the steam engine and select the PLAY menupoint. If you have a railway car attached, both should move together happily.
Stopping the train
You can only stop the train when it is on the station. Touch the steam engine AND the car too to stop them. Restart the train with the normal way. (See point 6 above.)
Rezzing final track
Although you can make the waypoints (red arrows) disappear, their scripts would still run, taking some (very little) time of the sim's processor. Rezzing a final track is a good idea if you are sure you would NEVER again move and/or rotate the track. In this case, touch every rail and select the "REZ FINAL" option.
Choose the WP TOGGLE option if you only need to make the given arrow disappear.
Recording route
If you decide to rotate the track you will need to re-record the route. Basically you need to teach the engine the new route.
1. Touch the train and select RECORD.
2. Touch every waypoint (red arrow) in order. At the end of the route you must touch the start point again. Alternatively, you can touch the rail and select REC ALL WP to record that particular rail into the route.
3. Touch the train and select FINISH.
4. Copy and paste the route into a notecard. Name the notecard "route". (Without quotation marks.)
5. Touch the train and select DELETE. You will receive a message saying your route has been deleted.
6. Drag and drop the new route notecard from your inventory to the train's Contents.
7. Touch the train and select PLAY.
Q: There is no train in the box I bought!
A: There is a train hidden in the railway station. It is hidden so you don't lose it by clicking PLAY before you set a start point. See the "Installing the set" section.
Q: The Railway car doesn't want to follow the locomotive.
A: Make sure you used the ATTACH CAR from the train's menu before it started. Also, if you have problems like that it can be a good idea to take then re-rez both the train and the railway car.
Q: Can I make a custom route? With junction points etc.
A: Not in the basic version. The advanced version will have / has the option for creating custom tracks.
Q: I've lost my train! How could this happened? What should I do now?
A: Check your lost and found folder. If it's not there , on mainland it should be in your parcel or in an adjace