The Tesla Teleport is a multi-location, copy-enable steampunkteleport system with customizable security options. It is easy to setup, has spectacular particle effects and provides an excellent alternative to all those who fancy the steampunk genre and want to use a tp system that fits nicely into the theme.
Visit our Factory inworld, see this and more interesting items!
Part of the MANUAL:
As a basic guideline, the owner of the device(s) is always able to change configuration and always have access to every single location stored in the targets notecard.
1. Click the lightning globe, select _CONFIG_
2. Select DELETE. This will delete the _config_ and the targets notecard.
3. Select ALLOWDRO. This turns on the 'allowdrop' function for the globe for 5 minutes. During this time ANYONE can drop anything but scripts into your globe, so be sure there are no griefers around.
4. Drag and drop your _config and your targets notecard into the globe's inventory. We provided a full perm sample '_config' and 'targets' notecard, if you forgot the format or something you can check those.
Adding a location
1. Create a notecard if you don't have one and name it 'targets'. (Without quotation marks.)
2. For every teleport location, enter the coordinates in SL vector form <x,y,z> then a semicolon (;) followed by the location's name, a semicolon and an access type. (See below.)
<20, 129, 450>;Central park;PUBLIC
<100.5, 200, 300.15>;My home;PRIVATE
If you will have PUBLIC locations, use one as the first line of the notecard. This is not a must, just a good idea (see FAQ to understand why).
Configuring device
All configurations are done in the _config notecard. Since the object is not modifiable, you must use the '_CONFIG/DELETE' menu command to delete an existing _config card then the 'CONFIG/ALLOWDROP' menu command to enable you drag and dropping your own _config card into the item.
Available options:
ANIMATION=ON/OFF (Shaking animation of the avatar when teleporting occurs.)
HORROR=ON/OFF (Screaming sound when tp occurs.)
SETTEXT=ON/OFF (Should the name of the locations be shown above the lightning globe or not.)
SOUND=ON/OFF (Bzzzz sound on/off.)
TEXTCOLOR=<x,y,z> (Color of floating text. This is in a LSL vector format, the values range from 0.0-1.0. Basically you can sample a color in Photoshop, say red 100, blue 100, green 35 then divide every value by 255. <0.39,0.39,0,137> is the result for these values.)
USER=Joe Doe (Add one line for every person you want to have access IF the device access is set to LIST mode.)
USER=Jane Doe
There are two types of security for the teleporter.
1. Access to the device (the menu) itself. This is set in the _config notecard with ACCESSTYPE.
EVERYONE and OWNER speaks for themselves.
LIST means that only the owner and those listed in the _config notecard as USER, can access the teleporter's menu.
GROUP means that only those who have the same active group as the device has, can acccess the menu.
To set a group for the device, right click and select Share with group.
2. Access / visibility of a given location in the teleporter. This is set in the targets notecard.
PUBLIC locations are open to everyone, everyone will see these in the menu.
Note: after teleporting to a NON-PUBLIClocation, the teleporter will switch back to the 1st location IF that is set to PUBLIC, otherwise will switch to 'None'.
PRIVATE locations are only visible to the device's owner.
LIST locations are only visible to the list of users enumerated in the _config card as USER.
GROUP locations are only visible to those who have the same active group tag as the teleporter has.
Primworks, textures, animation: Jenne Dibou
Scripts, sounds, manual: Mandy Marseille
bit ho-hum
The particle efx for the tp ball are good, as is the build in nice steampunk fashion, however the animation is very basic and if you choose not to use it, it defaults to the basic SL 'sit' with no alternative.
The scream is fun a few times, but then becomes annoying (at least to me). If it were modifiable I would change the animation to something more interesting, and the scream as well; but it's not.
As with all MTF products this is very well made, easy to use and has a touch of humour which tickels me :D The Electrocution animation and scream have gotten a laugh from everyone that used it. Keep up the great work!
Once you get it configured, it's awesome. Love the scream effect!