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JIAN Fallow Deer Buck & Doe

JIAN Fallow Deer Buck & Doe

This product includes both a companion and wanderer version!
The wanderer is meant to be put out on land (anywhere, any surface, even in the air if you so choose!) and it will wander freely and randomly from the point you turn it 'on' from.
It will NOT follow you or any avatars, except by pure chance and coincidence.
The companion is meant to be worn as an avatar accessory, attached to your avatar (usually avatar centre), and it will animate right beside you as you walk, run, stand, etc.
It will NOT roam on land. It may animate idly in place, but that is all.

The adult male and female versions of our fallow deer!

This collection includes:

- Fallow Deer Buck Wanderer (22 LI)
- Fallow Deer Doe Wanderer (9 LI)
- Fallow Deer Buck & Doe Worn Companions
- Static Frame Changers (for posing & display)

Each includes:

- Summer, winter and snowy texture options
- Scripted Resize
- Floating Text Naming

See item in Second Life
  • Buck Wanderer (22 LI)
  • Doe Wanderer (9 LI)
  • Worn Companions (Buck & Doe)
  • Static Display Frames
  • Summer/Winter/Snowy Textures
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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full star full star full star full star full star Posted September 07, 2022 by Eve Light

Beautiful deers, very realistic and calm movements. Great job!

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i love them!!!!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted November 11, 2021 by Brahms98

very cute, i love that i can wear both the buck and doe companion versions at the same time without the second life animated object limit stopping me from wearing them with my animated ears,

the ability to resize both the companions and the static ones is wonderfull i love that you have made that as a feature!!!, if your planing to buy this but are worryed that the deer might be too big or small for your avatar this is something that you wil not have to worry about with this product

i also love that the static ones for poses each have 8 poses in the frame tab making it posible to rez a few of the same deer out for taking pictures without it looking like there all duplicates, so if your like me and love deers you can have lots around you in your screenshots

and for only 700 lindin this is a bargin

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