ALL 6 Generation 1 Elemental Combat Spells
Utilizes SL Damage System.
Charge up your spell longer to increase its effectiveness!
Animations, sounds and particle effects add excitement to your spell combat sessions!
Always stay updated (for free!) with the ~JJ~ Auto-Update System.
See listings for the individual spells for their combat stats:
Earth: Rock Hurl
Wind: Deadly Gust
Fire: Fireball
Water: Icy Blast
Time: Decay
Knowledge: Magic Dagger
- All 6 Generation 1 Elemental Combat Spells
- Combat uses SL Damage System
- Sounds, Animations and Particle Effects!
- Intricate Spell Combat Dynamic!
- ~JJ~ Auto-Update System keeps you current!
Not a book.
The spells work fine, but it does not come with a physical in-word book. You only get the spell effects.
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