G General

J.L. Designs - Animated Mixing Bowl with Plate of Cookies

J.L. Designs - Animated Mixing Bowl with Plate of Cookies

.:::::: J.L. Designs - Animated Mixing Bowl with Plate of Cookies ::::::.

.::: Prims :::. - This Set is ONLY 11 Prims!!!
* Mixing Bowl = 3 Prims.
* Plate of Cookies = 8 Prims.

.::: Permissions :::. - COPY / No Mod / No Transfer

.::: Features :::.

* Sculpted mixing bowl with batter.
* Sculpted Plate with two types of cookies.
* Menu system that gives you a wooden spoons to wear and 2 Stir animations.

Perfect decoration for your house, kitchen or café or restaurant.

if there are problems that I did not noticed earlier I apologize, I will fix the issue and bring out the a new version.
If there are any questions or uncertainties contact Jay Lordhunter in world by IM if im online but a notecard is always the better and safer way, if i am not online.