G General

*J.L.D* Basic Courthouse/Townhall Version Basic

*J.L.D* Basic Courthouse/Townhall

*J.L. Designs Presents:

Courthouse / Town Hall

The Courthouse blue print is 35 X 49, The Courthouse / Town Hall prims is 191. The courthouse is a very unique and spacious building that features the following, Metal Detectors (decoration), 2 offices, confinement area + 6 sculpt cells and area for a guard station.. also two restroom area. On the second floor of the Courthouse / Townhall include 2 more offices and The courtroom + The Judge Chamber and The Jury Room.

Other Features:

Sculpt Jail Cells and Sculpt Jail Cells Doors..With Kools Builder Doors with the option of choosing 'everyone', 'group' and 'owner'. as the access type.

Rez-Faux for easy adjustment to the area you want the building.

Permission: Modify Copy No Transfer

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  • Sculpt Jail Cells and Sculpt Jail Cells Doors
  • Kools Builder Doors
  • Rez_Faux Rezer
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This Courthouse
full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 25, 2014 by Patrlck

Just wanted to give a heads up on what happened.
First rez I saw the clock tower, then I de-rezzed it to move it, the tower was gone but I didn't pay close enough attention and saved the position without the clock tower, then I noticed there were no cell doors or an elevator on the top floor..... I sent James2018 Landar an IM and explain my situation concerning the clock tower, he IMMEDIATELY re-delivered the product, and it all works great!
Its got everything you would expect in a courthouse and possibly more. Great design and detail.

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