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JTC Ninja Suit RED [BOX]

JTC Ninja Suit RED [BOX]

L'Uomo Avatar Only
JTC Expose Sleeveless Ninja Suit
Is a take off or the JTC Sleeveless NinjaSuit. But with cutouts to Expose the abs and legs
It is Form Fitting and shows off your shape. Add your own Accessories and RP as a Super Hero or use in your favorite Sci Fi or any other purpose like around the home. or out with friends.

Comes in Black, Brown, Blue, Green and Red.
Suggested layers are: L1, 2, 3, 4 Full
JTC can try to Customize to your taste for a small fee. Ask us or drop a notecard to jacktop10 or Studcrusher. We Are JTCrusher
Package Includes:
L'Uomo Clothing Hud
JTC Description and Content Notecard
L'Uomo Wardrobe rezzer delivery box
L'Uomo instructions

  • Unique one of a kind body suit with many uses.
  • Sci Fi Role play
  • Custome made
  • For those of us who look cool in anything