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!JUNE PROMO! Giardina - DALLAS - Black CATWA

!JUNE PROMO! Giardina - DALLAS - Black CATWA

Single color packs are offered at the very fair price of L$180 per style.
Dynamic Spectrum Packs include one style in all six shades. The Dynamic Spectrum Packs are currently on PROMO special for only L$550! This price will not last long.

GIARDINA facial hair and hair bases are all exclusive to the GIARDINA brand and not available anywhere else on the grid. Every one of our designs at GIARDINA is an in-house original style and meticulously hand drawn, hair by hair to give you the most realistic looking texture possible for your unique style. You're going to love the way you look, and so are they.

All of our styles boast the same excellence in attention to detail. Please try our DEMO beard to see the quality in detail for yourself. Note that the demo does not come in all styles, just "Yankee" style, but it does come in all shades, so you may test our color offerings against your personal skin tone/s. If you love our styles but can't quite find an appropriate shade to compliment your complexion, send us a notecard including links showing your avatar tests and if we have time we just might try to accommodate you.

Unfortunately we do not offer refunds due to mistakes in ordering so please double check your orders and be sure you are choosing the style you wish to receive before paying for it.

Do your part to support original content artists in Second Life. If you think someone else is offering a copy of our designs, please report! We are on the lookout and we will file against copy-bot thieves.

  • CATWA Appliers
  • Standard Layers
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It looks nice but...
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted September 05, 2016 by Baracu Exonar

... the hud is not on the screen it is on the avatar (the hand)
Thats the only problem i have and for 1L$ the beard is really good.
180L$ would be good too ofc.

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