Japanese Ghost Scrolls Set (boxed)
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This is a japanese wall scroll set, depicting yurei (japanese ghosts). It includes 9 different scrolls, each is 4 prims.
Yūrei (japanese ghosts) were a popular subject matter for Edo era artists, especially in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Many artists created scenes from ghostly Kabuki plays, or attempted to capture the images of real yūrei in ghost portraits.
These will be a great addition t any asian or japanese themed building or apartment. They also come in handy if you are looking for some original Halloween decorations.
The textures used are real japanese Edo and Bakumatsu era images, however keep in mind that it is not a copyright infringment, as its authors all died over 120 years ago.
I totally
Love this ! Thank you for makeing something that i defintly have a awsome use for . You rock !