Jen Gem's-Maitreya Lara LaraX-Feet Shape Auto Switch-Free Gift-Low Shape-2023 Version 1
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Attachable object to switch to Maitreya low foot shape
Prepared for convenience
Use: Just attach the respective object for the desired foot shape. Maitreya body will switch to that shape without the need of opening the hud and navigating to the tab and clicking the appropiate foot option.
You can save it with your outfits so your changes automatically switch to the appropiate feet shape when you change your outfit.
This package contains only the low foot shape.
You can create your own following the instructions and scripts provided by Maitreya.
No RLV required
No Scripting Required
- Maitreya feet low pose
- Shape auto change on wear
- Maitreya Lara and Lara X
- Free low pose auto swticher
- Conveniently setup for non creators
L$ 0
Unpacking Required
This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.
Works with Maitreya Lara,Maitreya LaraX Avatars
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- Copy
- Modify
- Transfer
- User Licensed
Automatic redelivery
100% Mesh