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Jibe Poses - shhh! Bento pose Version 65

Jibe Poses - shhh! Bento pose

Static pose specially made for bento capable hands.
Works also for non bento avis

In the pack:
Easy adjustment Menu Pose stand
Hide/Show command provided for the pose stand.
Notecard for posestand usage (please read)
Copy of the static animation for your usage
Fitting Guide provided.
Must be in a rezz area where scripts are allowed.
Add/Wear Hud to unpack.

Due to different avi sizes,you might need to adjust your avi accordingly. You might need to adjust your hand size, arms length and shoulder width.

TIP on sizing for Maitreya
Shoulders 50 - 60
Arm length 60 - 65
See Fitting Guide

Please feel free to send me a notecard or message inworld for more info or additional help.

  • Jibe Poses - shhh! Bento pose