KAZZA - RusticBEDroom - CM furniture Version Copy/Mod
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I'm proud to present the:
KAZZA – RusticBEDroom -CM
Copy /Mod
Always looking for an improved detail, this Beautiful Complete Bedroom set includes 35 items, 100% original mesh by KAZZA.
Animations - Bed with over 80 couple poses, Divan with 16 couple poses.
HUD Control – Woods, Fabric, Lights and Door change
PRICE = L$1199
=== KAZZA RusticBEDroom-Rezzer with ===
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For more items check out our other listings here on Marketplace.
Available to view in our mainstore.
- 100% Original KAZZA Mesh
- Bed with over 160 poses
- Divan with over 32 poses
- HUD Control - Fabrics / Wood / Lights / Door
- Very low prim land impact
Excellent set
I really like this BR set. It's complete, low prims, wonderful textures and great anims.