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KDC PonyPlay Liverpool spoon bit

KDC PonyPlay Liverpool spoon bit

This bit gag use an extremely severe mouthpiece designed originally to prevent horses to pass their tongue over the bit, the result on human ponies is a very intrusive bit that stimulate salivation and gag reflex. The liverpool style offer a different kind of lever action than the other english style bits.

Now compatible with BENTO mesh heads!

It support locking and unlocking (with and without RLV) using the TouchBound padlock system. It also feature a speech garbling function (automatic with RLV) on the /100 channel.
The included HUD let you customize the leather straps, the ball and the metallic parts independently. It also has an "around the neck" position so you can wear it decoratively, or until your dominant feel that you need to be silenced!

It has leverage straps that will appear to connect to the bridle (sold separately), if the bridle is worn. It’s has 3 chaining points, one that act as a double rein style and two others at the shank tips.

Touchbound products allow for easy use of restraining animations,leashing, unleashing, tethering and even attaching subs to one to another, all this without fiddling with annoying menus or having to remember pesky commands.

This object comes with the RLV Activator which allows you to silently enable and disable RLV capabilities in all your TouchBound items from a single object. Also, all TouchBound products are LockMeister compatible.

It also comes with a fingerprint enabled padlock that allow you to, quickly and easily lock and unlock your TouchBound objects without risks of losing the key.

What more? this item is automatically updated, you will receive the updated versions as soon as they are released.

We highly suggest that you check out the related products as the TouchBound items are essentially designed to work with each others.

Full documentation is available at the following url: http://kdc.ethernia.net/docs/doku.php?id=touchbound_system:start

See item in Second Life View Video »
  • TouchBound system
  • 64 highly detailed leather textures
  • Coloring HUD
  • Speech garbler
  • RLV compatible