*KK* 2011 Donation Goal Meter w/US Dollar Display (Boxed)
You can get the Free Version of this item at http://slurl.com/secondlife/Ippopotamo/182/148/1992
Remember, the Free Version takes 1 L$ to 10% Commission from donations.
A simple device that accepts donations from other residents that can be setup to target a certain amount and displays its progress (with US Dollars) for everyone to see.
Low Prim
Hovertext displays Goal, Total, Donated and Last Donator
Change Object name to set Donation Title
Change Object description to set Goal Amount
Touch to Rest
Says Thank You when Tipped
Cheers When the Goal is Reached
Thank you very much for viewing this item of mine. I would also like to take this opportunity to invite you to come and visit my 7Seas fishing area in-world where you can catch a lot of custom made items. Just search for 3 Stars and a Sun using the in-world places search and the path to get there will be shown to you! ^_^
Kabalyero Kidd
Builder, Explorer, Blogger
If you wish to see more of my items for sale please visit my store in-world. Thank you very much! ^_^
- Low Prim
- Hovertext displays Goal, Total, Donated and Last Donator
- Change object name to set Donation Title
- Change object description to set Goal Amount
- Touch to Rest
A Lifesaver
I was running a small charity event and my partner and was looking for a tip jar that has a meter on it. I saw this in my search, bought it and it worked great.