Keeper’s Krew Productions presents: Olanna, an anime head for People of Color.
As a longtime fan of anime and manga, I wanted to have a look that showed my appreciation of the art form while still looking like the Black/Filipina person that I am. However, that proved difficult. Either the heads I found were still too realistic, even after playing with the sliders, or they were so close to the source material that customizing it to make it feel like I was still me was difficult, if not impossible. Frustrated with the situation, I finally decided to make an anime head that fit my specific needs. Olanna is the result.
As you can see, I’ve taken some liberties with the source material in order for me to get the feel that I wanted. I’ve made the nose rounder and the lips thicker in order for me to get the point across that I’m a person of color, yet it still very much retains the anime aesthetic. Hopefully, this is something that you have been looking for, as well. But if the head is almost, but not quite, what you’re looking for, it has been rigged so that you may play around with the avatar head and face sliders to tweak the look so it matches your needs more closely.
The head texture that Olanna comes with has been hand-painted by my esteemed friend and associate, HexMozart88. It was created, again, with the idea of the anime art form in mind. I wanted Olanna to appear as if she were in an anime. However, if the texture does not meet your needs, I have UV mapped the head and made it BOM ready so that it can accept most textures made for the LetLUKA EvoX brand of heads. In fact, I have prepared a notecard that recommends skins that fit the anime aesthetic as closely as possible. If this is still not enough, I will be releasing an update with additional versions of the head that can accept textures made for the classic system avatar, the Genus Project head, and the m3 <UTILIZATOR> heads, so keep an eye out for this update!
To summarize, your purchase will give you the following:
1) Olanna Head with brows and lashes (C/NM/NT)
2) Olanna Head with lashes and no brows (C/NM/NT)
3) Olanna Head with brows and no lashes (C/NM/NT)
4) Olanna Head with no brows and no lashes (C/NM/NT)
5) Olanna Eyes – Fitted (C/M/NT)
6) Olanna Eyes – Sphere (C/M/NT)
7) Scripts modified for use with both versions of the Olanna Eyes (C/M/T)
8) Alpha Layer for the system eyes (C/NM/NT)
9) Olanna Shape (C/M/T)
10) Olanna Bald Base (C/M/T)
11) Olanna System Skin (C/NM/NT)
12) Olanna Universal Layers For (C/M/NT):
a. Head and Body
b. Ears
c. Eyebrows
d. Eyelashes
13) Apricot Paws: SLUV Neck Extender/Fix (With permission from Zii Minotaur) (C/M/NT)
14) Notecard with some skin recommendations that fit the anime aesthetic (C/NM/T)
15) Free Updates
Thank you for your time,
KeeperS Karu (Keeper S. Karu)
Version History
Version 1.1: Tweaked the mouth area to eliminate strange shadowing in default midday lighting. Discovered that the holes in the head were due to the Alpha Blending being on. Turned it off and the head is now good!
See item in Second Life- Head with different eyelash and eyebrow options
- BOM ready
- Can accept most head skins made for LetLUKA EvoX heads
- Future update allowing for the use of skins for the system and other heads