KKP's TSOAT RP System Version 1.0

The Story
The Brochure
Heyla and well met, Potential Student! We humbly thank you for your interest in The School of All Trades (TSOAT), a university for learning the skills that will help you achieve success in whatever trade you choose to pursue.
To learn more, please visit this web page: https://keeperskrewproductions.com/TSOAT-TheStory.shtml
The Idea Behind The Game
Have a miles-long To-Do list that you just dread looking at? Want to learn a skill or improve on one you already have, but you lack that fundamental motivation to follow through on it? Have you ever tried those pseudo-RPG productivity games to help you get things done, but gave up because you ultimately couldn't do anything with your character except perpetually grind for xp? Do you wish for a productivity game that was a real RPG with monsters to fight and quests with storylines to complete and awesome loot to earn?
To learn more, please visit the following web page: https://keeperskrewproductions.com/TSOAT-TheIdea.shtml
A Question Of Fairness In PvP Gameplay
A few people have raised their eyebrows at my insistence on the use of the honor system with TSOAT players, or Students, as I like to call them. The whole point of the game is to help Students grow and improve on a daily basis, but growth and improvement is a very personal thing, and is measured differently for each person. For one person, personal growth and improvement looks like completing their To-Do list for the day, while for another, it's learning a new skill or improving the one they have, while for yet another, it's ensuring they've spent time with loved ones instead of working all day. It is not my place to dictate what growth and improvement looks like for a person, nor to monitor and manage their goals for them, and so I feel that Students should take charge of their own Character Sheets to monitor themselves. Of course, this leads to the obvious question of, "What's to prevent a person from cheating?"
To learn more, please visit the following web page: https://keeperskrewproductions.com/TSOAT-Fairness.shtml
Quests And Questing
The Tutorial Quests included with the HUD are but a small taste of what’s to come with respect to quests. In the very near future, there will be quests that feature NPC enemies to battle, fully-fledged stories to complete, and loot to earn!
to learn more, please visit the following web page: https://keeperskrewproductions.com/TSOAT-Quests.shtml
Recommended Applications
As I mentioned earlier, completing tasks on To-Do lists can be one of the ways to improve your character. If you’re having trouble keeping track of your To-Do lists for SL, I’d like to recommend a really nifty product that can be purchased in the Marketplace. It’s called Notepad HUD (NotePazz HUD) and can be obtained at the following link:
To learn more, please visit the following web page: https://keeperskrewproductions.com/TSOAT-RecommendedApps.shtml
Future Plans For TSOAT
I have plenty of plans for TSOAT!
To learn more, please visit the following web page: https://keeperskrewproductions.com/TSOAT-FuturePlans.shtml
Thank you for taking the time to learn about TSOAT and give it a chance!
KeeperS Karu
aka TheKeeper of Keeper's Krew Productions
See item in Second Life View Video »- TSOAT RP System HUD
- TSOAT RP System Titler
- TSOAT RP Tutorial Quests
- TSOAT RP Student Handbook
- TSOAT RP Tools