KKP's The Oniichan, Signature Garment, Copy Only

ATTENTION: Before purchasing, please read my store’s profile and sales policy, as they contain important information you should be aware of.
UPDATE NOTICE (November 14, 2015): I decided to completely redo the meshes for this outfit. While I sent out update deliveries, not everyone may have received them. If this is the case, since I have CasperVend tracking my Marketplace sales, you will be able to use a CasperVend redelivery terminal (one of which is located at the in-world Cosplay Co-Op Marketplace shop; the link to that shop is at the end of this description, labeled "See Item In Second Life") and have the item redelivered to you.
Keeper's Krew Productions Presents: The Oniichan, an original fitted mesh set consisting of a full yukata, a hakamashita version of the yukata, and a hakama by KeeperS Karu (Keeper S. Karu), featuring a texture consisting of roses and vines, made in honor of a dear friend, Azriel Dryke. To try the mesh, you may purchase the dollarbie item titled "The Casual Oniichan #1." Please note that it is NOT a demo, but a fully wearable outfit that is a part of the Casual Line of clothing, set to a very special price.
No one quite knows whether he's actually a demon that was never human, or a human who had fallen into demonic status by way of becoming a vampire, as The Oniichan goes out of his way to keep people second-guessing their suspicions. Whatever his origins and exact nature, everyone can agree that he is at once charismatic, mysterious, and, should anyone be fool enough to cross him, outright ruthless. Hence, friend and foe, alike, were caught off guard when he decided to take in an orphaned child, raising it to believe that The Oniichan was, indeed, simply a dedicated big brother, goofy and harmless, though somewhat overprotective in an inept kind of way. Exactly what The Oniichan intends is unclear, but no one is fool enough to try to attack him through this child, for all can see that to do so would only incur The Oniichan's wrath, and a slow, painful death for the would-be attacker.
Should you decide to take The Oniichan's story to further depths, you will receive the following:
1) Fitted mesh yukata
2) Fitted mesh obi
3) Fitted mesh hakamashita (a truncated version of the kimono, meant to provide better ease of use with the hakama)
4) Fitted mesh hakama (andon bakama--undivided--style)
5) Non-Rigged mesh geta for right and left foot
6) The Oneechan's Alpha Mask, Full Permissions
7) The Alpha Textures and raw Alpha Bake Textures, full permissions, for those who aren't satisfied with the Alpha Mask, as it is, so they may create one more to their liking
8) There is no product updater, as the system I now employ, Caspervend, allows me to easily redeliver any product I happen to update, to every customer who has purchased the product from either the Marketplace or my in-world vendors, past and current. Further, if, for whatever reason, the customer did not acquire the delivered update, the redelivery may be initiated by the customer by visiting the shop and using the redelivery terminal.
The Copy/Mod version of this garment includes full permissions UVMaps of the mesh, so people may make their own custom textures for The Oniichan clothing set. People are free to sell the custom textures they make, but be sure to remember to link back to the copy/mod version of this outfit, so people can obtain the mesh to use the textures with.
Hoping you enjoy your purchase and the stories you make with it,
KeeperS Karu
a.k.a. Keeper S. Karu