G General

KTC Online indicator Version 2.31

KTC Online indicator

KTC Online indicator is a simple panel that displays the status and the picture of an avatar. The panel displays automatically the picture of the owner profile, of another avatar or another image and his current status: Online, Offline, Busy or Away. Unlike other products, the status is displayed over the picture. When clicking on the panel, it is possible to request to the avatar to be contacted. The avatar will receive a message and a link to answer. This feature can be disabled.

⚠ NOTE: This product complies with Linden Labs privacy policy regarding the display of the profile picture and connection status.

- Very low sim resources usage
- Automatic profile texture displaying
- Ability to replace the profile picture by another
- Configuration for another avatar by simple click
- Ability to display the avatar name above the indicator be floating text
- Status displayed over the picture (Offline, Online, Busy or Away)
- Request-touch by simple click on the indicator (With confirmation)
- Ability to disable requests-touch
- Size: 1.5 x 0,06875 x 1.25 meters (Modify)
- Setting options by menu (No notecard)
- Image brightness On/Off
- Menus, messages and status language switched in English or French following the viewer language
- Language set independently for the owner, the avatar (If the indicator is assigned to another avatar) and the user
- User manual in English and French
- Free and unlimited updates

- 1 prim (Mesh)
- Modify (Except script)
- Copy
- No transfer
- 1 script

See item in Second Life