This is a support-item for the *KaS*-Hobble-Dress.
>Notice: The alpha-layers are only needed if you are using the classic SL-avatar.
If you're using the dress with a Slink-/Maitreya- body, then you don't need them.
The dress' "AutoAlpha"-function requires an RLV-viewer and the alpha-layers offered here.
The folder that will be delivered to you contains several (18) sub-folders with an alpha-layer in each of it.
Don't change anything inside the folders, just move the top-folder (with everything in it) into your #RLV-folder.
Now, if you are already wearing dress-related alpha-layers, take them off.
Finally, open your dress' menu, choose "Options..." and here activate 'AutoAlpha'.
From now on the dress will automatically attach/detach the matching alpha layers for the dress.
* Please notice: the dress 'searches' for the alpha-layer-folder only once (when turning 'AutoAlpha' on, or when attaching the dress). This means, after placing the folder in your #RLV or changing it's location, turn 'AutoAlpha' off/on once to have the dress recognizing the folder location.
- Alpha layers for the hobble dress' "AutoAlpha"-option
I, too, got the dress in-world (which is fabulous, has a great colour HUD which is versatile and easy to use, and looks terrific).
Add this auto-alpha to it and it is so easy to wear the variants without searching the inventory for the right alphas...and its dead easy to set up.
I can't believe there is only one revue so far! Nice work, Salid!
omg, its amazing !!!!!!
omg, its amazing !!!!!! i got the full dress at the inworld store and its stunning, super sexy, clings like a second skin, so many options, a clver HUD, omg luv it x x x x