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Kanon Female Shape - Atalanta - For LOGO Ivona

Kanon Female Shape - Atalanta - For LOGO Ivona
Kanon Female Shape - Atalanta - For LOGO Ivona
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Kanon shapes for women are created with an eye towards beautiful, realistic proportions. The shapes are made to be worn with mesh bodies and the style notes indicate which body a shape was created for.

Shapes can be worn with other mesh bodies or without a mesh body, but the result may not be ideal.

Some shapes are also made specifically for particular Bento-enabled mesh heads. The style notes will note when this is the case.

Shapes made for Bento-enabled mesh heads are very unlikely work with other mesh heads or without any mesh head at all.

This Kanon shape is created for and displayed using the LOGO Ivona mesh head and the Slink Physique Hourglass mesh body.

  • Sexy female shape with realistic proportions.
  • COPY & MOD permissions.
  • Created for LOGO Ivona and Slink Physique Hourglass.

L$ 150

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Sold by: Freyja Nemeth

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