Greetings and hello! This item is a HUD that you wear that allows you to hug, kiss, hold another avatar. It is low lag as well. Its perfect for showing affection to anyone you care about or love in SL. Enjoy
PLEASE please give us a review if you like this item!
I have 3 Avi's and I have it on all 3, its perfect.
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a Great Hud
It is easy to use, and the lining up of avatars is very easy, the animations are very nice too. I would recommend it for all those who need a kiss and hug hud. At a great price too.
NO GO!!!!
Diese HUD gibt es kostenlos. Ich finde es eine Frechheit diese hier für 99L$ zu verkaufen.
Ich habe sie nur gekauft, weil hier eindeutig steht + 2 SOANK HUD.