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Kitty Pride Flag (Transgender, Fatpack, 12 Versions) - Exclusive Original Design Version 2021.05

Kitty Pride Flag (Transgender, Fatpack, 12 Versions) - Exclusive Original Design

*** 10% REBATE FOR REVIEWS ON THIS PRODUCT! Details below! ***

Who's a good kitty? Well OBVIOUSLY you are, because you're a kitty, and that's what being a kitty means! And with our new Trans Kitty Pride flag, you can let the whole world know that you're a very good kitty who deserves ALL the love and attention! We even included a little crown in the design, because all cats know that to be feline is to naturally be royalty, and everyone else should know that too ^.^

This is a Flawless Flags exclusive original design - you won't find anything like it anywhere else! As with all of our flags, this listing is for a multi-pack containing every available display style (a L$690 value when purchased separately in our in-world stores, only L$499 here!), plus all future releases and updates, and exclusive extras. The following flags are included (all use a flexi-prim flag unless otherwise specified):

- 1 outdoor flagpole, equipped with a script to toggle half-mast display (owner-controlled). Approximate height is 10 meters, perfect for your government building, home, garden, or any other outdoor display. 2 LI

- 1 stage/freestanding indoor flagpole, with a stylish dark wood finish and brass fittings, perfect for offices, conference/meeting rooms, events halls, or a stage. Approximate height is 2.9m, which should fit comfortably in any room. An original mesh design by Lupinia Studios, fully materials-enabled. 1 LI

- 2 wall-mounted flagpoles, ideal for the exterior of houses, stores, or other buildings. There are two versions of this included: One uses a flexi-prim flag like the rest of our designs, the other uses a static mesh flag if you prefer. 2 LI each.

- 2 hanging banners, 100% static mesh (no flexi-prims), attached to brackets to hang flat against a wall or from a balcony. Two different mounting orientations included, horizontal and vertical, depending on preference. 1 LI for horizontal, 2 LI for vertical.

- 1 desktop mini-flag (static mesh), perfect for desks, collection shelves, or countertops. 1 LI

- 1 handheld mini-flag, compatible with any avatar (it's an unrigged attachment). Attaches to right hand by default, but can be attached elsewhere if desired (like the mouth for animal avatars ^.^). An original mesh design by Lupinia Studios, fully materials-enabled. 1 LI

- A set of folded flags draped over one shoulder, a practice often seen among athletes and military personnel worldwide. Exclusive to the Full Kit flag packages (not available separately in-store). 100% mesh, unrigged attachment, can be resized to adjust fit. Comes in two different varieties, for male-shape and female-shape avatars, each an AO so that your avatar will hold the flag, or unscripted/unanimated (four total variations).

- Any future product lines/flag display types will also be added to this pack via updates!

If you have any issues or questions, or need assistance, please use the contact form at http://www.lupinia.net/contact/ to send us an email, and we'll do everything we can to help you out and resolve any issues.

To see an in-world demo, or to purchase any of the individual flags in this pack separately (if you don't need or want the entire set), visit our in-world store: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tofte/173/120/145

This product line was commissioned by Kjatar Styrian, Natasha Petrichor's sweet princess kitty, so if you enjoy these, make sure you give Kjatar some headpats and kitty treats if you see her in-world! (Kjatar can't assist with customer service issues though; she's a kitty, and a princess, so Natasha is the one who does the actual work ^.^)

If you write a review of this item, or any other Lupinia Studios product, at any time after purchase on the Marketplace, we will give you a 10% rebate on your purchase price! Doesn't matter what you say in your review (as long as it's relevant to the product and complies with the Marketplace Terms of Service), we appreciate and encourage all feedback!

See item in Second Life
  • Multi-pack containing all 12 available displays/poles/attachments
  • Free-standing: Outdoor flagpole w/ half-mast toggle script, and stage flagpole
  • 2x wall-mounted flagpoles, 2x wall-hanging banners, and desktop mini-flag
  • Wearable: Handheld mini-flag, and shoulder-draped folded flags
  • Much more included, see full description for details!