In this pack - there is 2 Oak tree (+versions without ferns)
The oak comes in 8 seasonal foliage textures in total.
You can access the textures through a scripted menu which will pop up if you click on the mesh.
Land Impacts :
T1 = 57 LI | T1 without ferns = 36LI
T2 = 41 LI | T2 without ferns = 30 LI
The mesh of the trees are completely modifiable, copiable and you are free to edit them once rezzed in-world. Inside the inventory, they will however be attributed as no mod and no trans because of the Script permission.
Modifying the shape and size of the mesh will increase or decrease the land impact of individual pieces along with it's range of visibility.
I have included a notecard that goes into more details with regards to how the product works. Please do have a read if you find time.
Please visit the in-world store and have a look at the plants before buying. The scripted menu has open access to everyone, so do feel free to test out the various texture sets as well as the various features of the script.
SLurl :
Scripted features include :
1. Texture change.
2. Ability to limit the effective range of the script. So, you can either modify the attributes of a single clump or multiple clumps as required.
3. Ability to limit the access to the script menu itself, including access based on group.
The permissions for the MESH are: COPY, MOD, NO TRANS.
For the SCRIPT however, the permissions are : COPY only.
If you find any error, have any feedback or complaints, please feel free to contact Gihn Resident, anytime !
nother nice tree from konoha
Nothing can beat my love for your trees, grass, flowers, plants, and everything. Even though they ate up my land impact, I will diminish everything for your trees. They are detailed and very realistic, and make my second life more beautiful. My suggestion is to promote your stuff more.
Most realistic tree in SL
It's exactly how a tree look like in the tropic. Tree trunk covered in a few kind of ferns. Would be lovely if you can add a Bird Nest fern or Staghorn fern in the middle.