Overpriced and not few customize options
I like the avatar dont get me wrong. but it only comes 2 two skins and the animations are very limited. I would expect far more for 3k.
love this avatar its so cute
if you love cute things you will love this its great
it tells me that im hovering but im not, idk if theres something else i have to do or what, none of that stuff works for me in that pop up menu on the top right corner
I love it!
Is a great product, I only have one gripe. I can't be held by another person! LOL anyways, definitely worth the money.
I love it! But...
This is a nice avatar and I love the customization. Thats probably the main reason why I dont want to take it off.
But even as open as it is for personal modifications. The way is rigged it leaves out a very important feature in my opinion and that's the arms attachments. You cant wear Bento wings or be creative adding another set of legs, paws or 4 sneakers if you feel like being silly.
Another gripe I have whit this avatar is the eyes animations, Seem to get stuck whit its eyes shut closed like in this screenshot https://i.gyazo.com/caeb63e54031d59312c2129a432a94c0.png
but I'm sure the developer will take care of this glitches in a future update.
I would also like to see some more tail animations in the future. Like the ones in the Vixen and Wonder Furr Bento Furry Tails. It might be possible to make the tails works whit some of the animations from the tails mentioned above using their respective Huds but I haven't gone too deep in to that.
This is my two cents on this awesome avi. This is easily a 5 star avatar if it wasnt for the missing attachment joints and some animations glitches. But if the developer can go back to the grid and align the rig so we can wear Bento wings and what not. I would gladly comeback and change my rating to 5 stars. And he should, because in a world of mesh bodies whit dripping body fluids and bouncing boobs this is probably the most unique coolest avatar I have come across and another reason to make SL fun.