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LABYRINTH Forest of the Fiery Wild Things Maze & tree house with door knockers

LABYRINTH Forest of the Fiery Wild Things Maze & tree house with door knockers

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This build is inspired by the Jim Henson film Labyrinth staring David Bowie. The forest of the Fiery Wild Things lies behind stone walls guarded by the somewhat grumpy door knockers. In the film Sarah converses with the door knockers before entering the forest and getting trapped by the jovial and mischievous Fiery wild things who break out into song and dance about their bohemian lifestyle.

-In this build you will either touch or trigger the sensor to reveal the door knockers hidden within the stone wall.

-The knockers speak lines from the film in local chat. you can edit the note card to change what the knockers say.

-Touch a door and the knocker will knock three times, then the door will open.

-Once inside, the forest itself is a maze of vines and trees with rock formation and garden scenes.

-The center of the maze has a small enclosed clearing with a camp fire and tree stump throne with other fallen logs and stumps. The fire has dance animations for up to 50 avatars. The various stumps and fallen logs sit 5 avatars around the clearing.

-In the tree top canopy there is a hanging bridge maze surrounding a tree house.

-The tree house has 2 hammocks with both single and couples animations included

-The hanging bridge maze is mesh with planks, platforms, ropes and ladders leading up and down to the ground level.

-Comes in a menu rezzer. Choose full or lite version for lower prim count.

-Has optional animated mesh forest creatures in the rezzer menu

-Menu also contains optional 64M X 64M skybox

-Has optional snow, rain, rainbow, aurora, or fireworks also included in rezzer menu

-Maze itself is 40M X 40M

-Land impact depends on menu selection. Range is: 435LI - 650LI