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Arcadian Defensive System
By Sparrow Industries
1.0 Getting started
1.1 Rezzing a Arcadian
1.2 layout of menu
1.3 Menu Explained
1.4 Adding Owners
1.5 Lists Explained
1.6 Modes
1.7 Protection Area Setup
1.8 Using Radar
1.9 Avatars Menu
2.0 Deeding
2.1 Talking Through Arcadian
1.0 Getting Started
After unpacking the Arcadian HUD to your inventory, right click and choose wear. Do not rez the hud to the floor or change HUD area to wear it on or the HUD may not work properly.
Once you are wearing the HUD right click the HUD and go to edit then click the contents tab. Here you will find the note called Lists. Do not open or try to open anything else and do NOT remove anything from here or you will break it. Open the Lists note here you can add names locations attack list and owners. Read the relevant section explaining this below.
1.1 Rezzing a Arcadian
Click on the Arcadian HUD and it will open up. Click on NEW which will open a blue menu. From here click on create, and a new Arcadian will rez in front of you and will by default go in to "hover mode" this will be fully detailed below. You can rez as many Arcadian's as you want or need there is no limit.
1.2 Layout of menu
On the blue menu you will now see your Arcadian called Arca0. Click on this and you will see the following,
Go To, Invisible, Stay, RadarActive, RadarInactiv, SelfDestroy,Come,FollowMe,Avatars,Mode and Settings.
Click on Settings, you will now see the following.
Phantom,WarnTime,Name,Ban Time,ProtectionAr,Attack Resp,ChatListen,Notify and Range
1.3 Menu explained
GoTo --- Clicking on this will bring up a default list of locations you can send a Arcadian to click on a location and thats it the Arcadian will immediatly go to that location communication with you along the way. However with different land settings like No Object Entry or maybe your banned from a land parcel in between etc this could cause the Arcadian to get stuck where if this is the case she will self destruct. To edit these Go To locations, edit the "Lists" in the HUD as mentioned in 1.0 simply by pasting a "slurl" into the section entitled ******PositionsURL******
place the name of the location followed by @ then paste the slurl click save on the Lists note and close it. Your location will now appear on the Go To tab. See Notes section at bottom for full details.
Invisible --- Clicking this will turn your Arcadian invisible. Clicking it again will turn Invisibility off.
Stay --- This will make the Arcadian stay in the location she is in if she is in patrol mode she will cease to fly about and will stay where she is at the time you click Stay.
RadarActive --- This will bring up a Radar Screen next to your HUD showing all avatars that are within Radar range of your Arcadian. This is fully explained in Using Radar below.
RadarInactiv --- This will close the Radar Screen on your HUD.
SelfDestroy. --- This will self Destruct the selected Arcadian.
Come --- This will call the Arcadian directly to you and she will go straight to where you are.
FollowMe --- Will make the Arcadian follow you where ever you go.
Avatars --- This will give you a wide choice of options you can do to avatars within the radar range of Arcadian and is fully explained in Avatars Menu below.
Mode --- This has 4 options Position,Hover,Defense and patrol mode. Each is explained in full under Modes.
Settings Menu
HoverText --- Click this to toggle the hover text which appears above the Arcadian on or off.
Phantom --- If phantom is enabled You will then either walk through Arcadian if she is is in the way, or she will move out of your way if you walk into her.
WarnTime --- This is the time the intruder(s) have from receiving the warning which they receive as soon as they come on your land to when Arcadian will attack and remove them off your land. This can be set from anything between 15 and 1 second.
Name --- Clicking on this will enable you to rename the Arcadian you have rezzed to anything you like. Click Name then you have 60 seconds to type in open chat the name you wish to use. Now your Arcadian is called the name given and will have that name on the menu.
Ban Time --- When an intruder is attacked off your land Arcadian will ban them also for a set time. This time can be configured here anything from one hour to permenantly.
ProtectionAr --- Arcadian can be used to protect anything from 1 small room or one building on a plot of land upto a whole SIM using 4 Arcadian's in exact locations if you wish to protect a whole SIM. See the section Protection Area on how to set Arcadian to protect smaller areas like a room or building.
AttackResp --- This will toggle Arcadian's automated defense system on or off. When enabled Arcadian will instantly attack anyone who a