G General



Lazer Trip-Wire Mine Information 250$L

Lazer Trip Wire mine comes in 2 versions.
for High explosive warhead and,
for plasma explosive warhead.

Each Warhead type comes in push and non push versions also.
4 Total are included.

To use the lazer Trip wires is fairy simple and self explanatory through the touch menu.
When you place the trip mine anywhere, position it according to your liking, usually waist height is good.
Rotate/Raise as needed. Best suited for closed indoor spaces. Behind doors etc..

Initially the trip mine is not armed. Once you touch the Trip Mine it is Armed.
Touch to activate Trip-Mine Menu.
You will have 6 Options.

A. Lazer on (will activate visible trip lazer, and mine will be ready to explode on contact)
B. Lazer off ( will deactivate trip lazer, (invisible lazer) but mine will still be ready to explode on contact)
C. Cloak (will cloak the mine, and only a small blinking light will be visible to indicate its position)
D. Decloak (will decloak the mine, also activate the lazer and arm mine it will be ready to explode on contact)
E. Set Timer (will open a timed 30 second explosion, choose this option, mine will explode in 30 seconds, no way to shut it off)
F. Disarm (will disarm the mine, lazer, and cloak so it is safe to walk past)

*G.IGNORE (click this button to ignore the menu)

The trip mine can be paired with as many mines as you want, put 10 together, and watch the massive explosion.
When one is triggered, ALL tripmines within chatrange(24 meters radius) are tirggered, and all subsequently explode.
They must be placed beyond 24 meters radius in order to not explode in unison.

Modifiable and Copiable

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full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted December 22, 2007 by Louisia Acropolis

Its good, but its a shame it doesn't do DCS damage.
Firing phys objects enabled whilst exploding would actually already do that trick. Maybe something for in the future?

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