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LD Carpentry Tools Sounds*** full permissions*** Hammering , Sawing, + Sound Script

LD Carpentry Tools Sounds*** full permissions*** Hammering , Sawing, + Sound Script

Here you get a box filled with
5 full permissions hammering and
1 full permissions wood sawing sound.
Extra: full permissions script , no transfer Night-Silence

I made it once for my roleplay as carpenter, and had it ..of course.. in my carpentry.

You can rezz the box and set it to invisible , or hide it under the floor.
Or you take the script & sound files from the content and add to your own prims.

The sounds play randomly, and during the SL day.
During nights it is silent.

In order to have the sound play night and day :
Scripting skills required. But its easy, really.

Open the script in contents tab ,
In line 5 you see list
nightSounds = ["Night-Silence"];
Just add the sounds that you want to play during night there. should then look like:
nightSounds = ["hammer", "hammer 2", "hammer 3", "wood saw", " your sound file"];
No comma after the last name.

In order to add own sounds :

Drag your sounds from your inventory to the content tab.
Open the script.
Add your sound files exact names to the list ( watch space / comma)
like: line 3 list daySounds = ["hammer", "hammer 2", "hammer 3", "wood saw", " your sound file"];
No comma after the last name

PS: you might want to make sure, that in the parcel/region you are at and want the box to stand, scripts are allowed :)

PPS: The sound file Night-Silence is made by Hastur Pieterson (https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/4924) , and was part of a free sounds collection he gave ( or maybe still gives ) at his store. I cannot sell this fullperm, because it is not mine.