G General

::LF:: Configurable Cheek Kisser DEMO v9.1.1

::LF:: Configurable Cheek Kisser DEMO v9.1.1

:: LF :: Configurable Twinkle Kisser DEMO v0.9.1.1

This is a configurable kisser demo object that may be used for 15 kisses (add) for either male or female avatars:

- Add or rez to unpack following delivery
- Detects gender automatically (female: fuchsia particles, male: blue)
- Public or Private Emotes, with simple toggle between the two
- Emotes are configurable by editing the Emotes notecard
- Simple access to configuration menu
- The object maybe edited for size and position on the mouth (generally not needed)

Gender is automatically detected and used to select the color of the particles emitted (male emits blue particles and female emits fuchsia particles) The colors used may be changed via the Config notecard contents or edit the Config to turn particles off. One audio and one animation file is supported. A pop-up Menu may be used to configure the behavior.

Changing the behavior:
- Hold touch on lips for 3 seconds by wearer will cause activation of a configuration menu on release.
- Hold touch on lips for 1 second by wearer cycles between private and public emotes on release:
--- Kisser: [Private Message] Emit Private Emote: only toucher and wearer see emotes with 5 meter sound range (whisper).
--- Kisser: [Private Message] Emit Public Emote: emotes are shown to everyone nearby with 20 meter sound range.

An audio wav file (PCM WAV format, 16-bit, 44.1kHz) is contained: Kiss1. You may delete the Kiss1 file and add your own wav file, named as you wish. The script will find it and it will be played with each touch. Remove Kiss1 if you want it always silent.

An animation may be, optionally, added by the owner and will be played with each touch. The script will find the animation file and play it with each touch (not included).

There are two notecards contain in the kisser object:

Config notecard:
The Config notecard contains configuration options that may be used to change the behavior of the kisser. See the Config notecard for details and modify as you wish.

Emote notecard:
The emotes are configurable in the Emotes notecard contained in the kisser object. Add or change the contents of the Emote notecard emotes as you wish. The emotes are a list of one or more lines having a form similar to that shown below. The pattern "$toucher" will be replaced with the name of the avatar touching the wearer and "$wearer" will be replaced with the name of avatar wearing the kisser. For example:

$toucher kisses $wearer's sweet lips.
$toucher tenderly kisses $wearer's lips.
$toucher lays a tender kiss on $wearer.
Smiling, $toucher kisses $wearer's sweet lips.

With v0.8 the following features have been added:

Hold touch on lips for one second on release toggles between Public and Private emotes:

[12:38] Kisser: [Private Message] Emit Private Emote: only toucher and wearer see emotes with 5 meter sound range (whisper).
[12:38] Kisser: [Private Message] Emit Public Emote: emotes are shown to everyone nearby with 20 meter sound range.

Hold touch on lips for three seconds on release activates a menu that can be used to configure the kisser:

- [Private Emote] Only toucher and wearer see emotes
- [Public Emote] Emotes are shown to everyone nearby

- [Sound 5m] Sounds are heard out to 5 meters (whisper)
- [Sound 20m] Sounds are heard out to 20 meters

- [Emote Touch] Emit twinkles, emotes, and sound
- [Quiet Touch] Emit twinkles only"

- [Rand Emotes] Randomize notecard emotes found
- [First Emote] Use only the first notecard emote found
-- Emotes are defined in the "Emotes" notecard.
-- Edit the "Emotes" notecard as you wish.

Using the pop-up Menu, touchers may be Blocked/Unblocked. v0.8 shows up to 16 nearby avatars to select from.

  • Add or rez to unpack following delivery
  • Detects gender automatically (female: fuchsia particles, male: blue)
  • Public or Private Emotes, with simple toggle between the two
  • Emotes are configurable by editing the Emotes notecard
  • Simple access to configuration menu