Exclusive to Lelutka Evolution & Evolution X Only
Rigged exclusive to Lelutka Evolution and EvolutionX
Pack D contains the fits for:
- Avalon
- Briannon
- Ceylon
Emilia featuring 5 staples on each side with the option for 5 different heights to match to your brows, as also color option for each single piece.
Due to the limits around the rig we encourage you to please ensure you demo before purchase.
See the HUD in action: https://gyazo.com/0137668d78ae81a152bf16c5b2f2e464
Bento Viewer needed as the Piercing is rigged to the Bento bones.
As general note for rigged Mesh, you can't move or reposition it at the body!
Fitted Mesh has its limits! Shapes made at the limits may be incompatible with the piercings, if you make super thin lips then fitted mesh will follow and get squished thin too or wont even be visible if your bottom lip is that big that a labret will drown under it as example.
Any questions ... shoot me a IM, Enjoy! :)
See item in Second Life