~L/Fx~Japan Chochin Lantern (works w/Color Me! hud) v.3 MCtbox

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This traditional Japanese Lantern (called a "Chochin" or "Chouchin") has a tremendously versatile, low-lag script. --> v.3 update! now 1li, not 2.

Lantern clicks on/off giving:
* Soft glow
* Fullbright
* Radiant light which adjusts:
- radius to match the lantern's current size
- light color to match lantern's current color!

Very slick, cool features very hard to find at this affordable price. :)


You can "Modify" this lantern, so you can recolor it with traditional right-click "Edit," or....

Use the super-easy "Color Me!"(TM) HUD (included).

Just wear the HUD and click your desired color on the rainbow display--DONE!

A steal at this bargain price!

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  • Clicks on/off for radiant light, fullbright and glow!
  • Auto-adjusts radius and color of light to match size and color of lantern
  • Features are unique in SL
  • Recolorable using the super easy "Color Me!"(tm) HUD
  • Bargain price for all these great features

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Vendido por: Wyvern Dryke
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  • Autorizações:
    Copiar Modificar Transferir Licenciado para o usuário
  • Re-entrega automática
  • Impacto no terreno: 2
  • Mesh: 100% Mesh