These are the most realistic party lights in Second Life. They spin in all directions, shift colors, glow, produce actual light, and--best of all--project images upon any surface on which they shine. (Note: avatars will need to turn on ALM, also called Advanced Lighting, in their graphics preferences to see projected images.)
With the usual ~Lantian/Flox~ excellence, the lights do all this with one sleek, low-lag script that the owner can click on/off. Each light itself is a custom mesh object, 2 LI total, with baked textures. There is a 3.8m light beam attached which glows softly during operation.
For best effect, hang these 6-12m above a light-colored surface. Dark colors tend to absorb the projected images due to SL graphics rendering.
These lights give graceful sweeps of unlimited color with an enticing variety of shapes. They are perfect for any private party, get together, or dance club! Choose yours today.
*** This is the FLARE TWO projecting light ***
See item in Second Life- 2 LI - custom mesh + prim, baked textures
- very low-lag, no listeners, one script controls all effects
- projects image onto floor!