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LOTUS. Intense Eyes 07 - MESH R&L

LOTUS. Intense Eyes 07 - MESH R&L

Right and Left Mesh Eyes -- no appliers

I tried on these eyes with my LeLutka head and they worked perfectly. I have not tried these with other types of mesh heads.

Buy exactly what you want - no chances ending up with something you don't like.

Gotcha Resale Disclaimer :

THERE ARE NO REFUNDS. I am not the creator of this item, I am only a reseller.- this item is a no copy/transferable and is likely an individual one — so I can't redeliver it.

Please contact me if you have any questions about my Market Place listings I care that everything goes smoothly and will do what I can to help.

PHOTOS: I do all my own photography and design work - it takes a long time. Please do not use them.
If however, you are looking to have some custom photography work or graphic design work done please IM LuLuLag in SL.

I buy and sell nice transferable items if you have an inventory of things and I will be happy to consider purchasing them. Please send me a list or screenshot of the items and I will see what I can offer.

  • 2 Mesh Eyes