You like the Belleza Jake? Me too! I use the modifiable body, and sometimes you don't wanna muck around with Omega appliers or something just to get materials on there. Great news - if you have your texture UUIDs (right click your texture files!), now you don't have to.
This is a simple, full perm script to apply specular (shine), normals (bump maps), or diffuse (regular textures) (or any combination of the above) to a modifiable Belleza Jake body. The UUIDs included are my free basic LLUV shine materials, which may look a little silly on a "masc" body but are really just there for an example. Feel free to use this script personally or commercially if you make materials, just don't try to sell the script by itself (cuz it's free!) You are allowed to sell it with reduced permissions if you don't want people to be able to see your material UUIDs for whatever reason.
*** HOW TO USE ***
Rez out your modifiable Belleza Jake body. (This comes in a box named something like -Belleza- Jake V3 MOD Advance User (BOM/Bento), so you may have to update if you haven't got one.)
Right click the body to edit it, and go to the Contents tab. After the animations and things inside it have loaded in, drag the script "[LSLS] Simple Belleza Jake Material Applier (Drag Into Body)" in there. It will say a message to you to let you know it's ready.
Edit this script in the Contents tab by double clicking it. Paste your specular UUIDs and normals or diffuse textures into the right spots - sets of quote marks, clearly labeled. If there are certain materials you're NOT using, you should also change the labeled boolean (true/false) variables to FALSE. Hit save and it will repeat its startup message, so you know it's ready to use.
Touch/click the Belleza Jake body. The script will go through each linked part and apply the textures you've given it to any linked parts named body (followed by a number), as well as to the hand parts. The number in each linked part's name determines whether an upper or lower body texture is applied, so if you have different materials for both, it'll still work! Using names like this means that if someone has renamed their linked parts for some reason, things won't work right... but it also means that if they've removed the Jake body's tattoo/clothing layers that won't break anything, since it doesn't rely on any linkset order.
After the script lets you know it's done, you can simply delete this script from inside of the body and enjoy your new materials :)
Finally a script that works. Thank you! :)
Yeah, would be amazing to have this for Legacy as well. ;D
This worked out Perfectly thank you so much!
Now i need this for the Legacy Bodies!!!!!! lol
Exactly what I needed
So much easier than the other options for adding custom materials, thank you!