G Generell

~LU~ Balloon Unicorn Tip Jar Set

~LU~ Balloon Unicorn Tip Jar Set

Configurable Mesh Tip Jar

Edit size, color and textures of the mesh to your preferences!

- mesh - materials - white - yellow - pink - teal - orange - 2 Li each -

~LU~ tip jars with many customization options. You can change variables and colors of the hover text. Everything is explained in detail in the configuration notecard inside the tip jar.

Tip Jar Configuration Features:
(via notecard in content)

> change fastpay buttons

> allow all/group/owner

> allow by resident name

> auto logoff when offline on/off

> auto logoff by range (up to 96m)

> perma login (for donation box use)

> payment splitting

> change floating text and text color

> URL & gift giver

Need further help or want to give feedback and suggestions?

Please contact Lonique Magojiro

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  • DJ / Singer / Host / Club Tip Jar