Hello, this is my LULUs Cadillacs and Dinosaurs Arcade Machine
Play the RL GAME in SL :D
it is a working Arcade Game Machine MESH Model of Cadillacs and Dinosaurs
The Cadillacs and Dinosaurs Arcade Machine is a fun Thales sow i just had to make :D
its a kid mad for the TAITO Cabinet :)
Se the making off it hear: https://lulusarcadegames.blogspot.dk/2017/07/original58b2b0e4f8a1ec38f8000001.html
This Arcade Machine is good for home us or Sim/Shop/club us
My Arcade Machine dos not Start on its oven = NO AUTO PLAY :)
sow your Frans/costumers wot be anode by games going bib bib
and coursing them Lag if you have like 20 ;)
And only the on Playing it can here Sounds and ar in control off the Volume
On the Arcade Machine Screen you can se the info on have to Play it
to start the Game you just Click the Screen.
The Game has 1 Costume made Animation for the Game
Whit a Poss Adjust-MENU.
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs is a fun GAME from 1992
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs is a old Comic and Carton :D
and the Game is a 3 Players Figting Game
in the style of Final Fight :D
You Play 1 off 4 playable characters,
each with their own strengths and weaknesses:
Jack (balanced type)
Hannah (speed type)
Mustapha (skill type)
Mess (power type).
The dinosaurs attack both you and the enemies.
there ar many Forms of Attacks and you can se them all on the Art arund the Screen :D
if you Love Final Fight u love Cadillacs and Dinosaurs to :D
How to Add your HighScore Se:
i got at-list 90 more games coming
hihihi i cant stop
its to mots fun to make them :D
you can com Tray/Test the
Games Before thy go for Sal
( Sum my be Updated Before ) thy go for Sal
in my LULUs ARCADE GAMES Part off my Main Shop
The Entries is under the stairs :)
LM on MAP:
( Sorry No LM at this Time )
Get more info on LULUs ARCADE GAMES Blog:
come visit my shop in SL
Here you will often find stuff that’s not on MP yet ;) ☆
LULU Designs Product: Features
1 LULUs Cadillacs and Dinosaurs Arcade Machine MESH U2021 V1 . copy ✔ - mod ✖ - trans ✖
1 LULUs Cadillacs and Dinosaurs Arcade Machine MESH U2021 V1 No Brigh . copy ✔ - mod ✖ - trans ✖
2 LULUs ARCADE GAMES - TOP 10 HighScores :D . in 2 Sizes . copy ✔ - mod ✖ - trans ✖
2 LULUs ARCADE GAMES - TOP 10 HighScores :D No AUTO PLAY . in 2 Sizes . copy ✔ - mod ✖ - trans ✖
1 NC: How to Add your HighScore info . copy ✔ - mod ✔ - trans ✔
1 NC: Arcade Machine INFO . copy ✔ - mod ✔ - trans ✖
1 LULUs Arcade info Poster. copy ✔ - mod ✔ - trans ✖
1 Out of Order, Flayer to Pot one Arcade Screen. copy ✔ - mod ✖ - trans ✖
LULU Designs
costume House/Shop/City's/Sim Designer
if you need any form of Design IM me
☆ contacts → ☎
☆ https://my.secondlife.com/lulu6kat
View Video »Not really Playable, a shame...
Don't know how they got it to play in world like they did in the YouTube demo, the framerate of the game is so low and choppy. But once you click out of the screen the framerate is flawless... but you can't control/play the game. As soon as you click on the Media prim the frame rate becomes choppy again.
Really is a shame, love the game and thought it would work fine just as the creators "Burger Time" did, but it doesn't; barely even playable... that's if you don't mind the choppy sound effects. Was going to buy more of the creators stuff, but after this, I don't know.