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Labyrinth - Beast Beard (Tintable)

Labyrinth - Beast Beard (Tintable)

- L A B Y R I N T H B E A R D S -

"With great Beard comes great Responsibilty!"

Matchable with any outfit to make your face pure masculine awesomeness. Grow what your face gave you.

Prim and tattoo beards that are tintable to any colour of your choosing.

- L A B Y R I N T H -

Experience refined and realistic skins and shapes that possess exquisitely crafted 360-degree body detail.

**Please send me a notecard inworld for failed deliveries.**

Please try a demo first. Stay tuned ! Join our group 'Labyrinth - The Update Group' for updates!

To avoid scams when buying Labyrinth products purchase ONLY from the creator, Labyrinthstarchild Resident.

Copyright @ 2013 Labyrinth Ltd. All rights are reserved. It is strictly forbidden to copy and/or reproduce this product in parts or in complete either for commercial purposes using photography, photocopy, digital storage or any other way of reproduction. Changes for improvement or correction of this document or the product described in this document might by done at any time.

With purchasing this product you agree to the following:

These products is / are for your own personal use and content creation in Second Life ONLY. You are not allowed to use, distribute or sell this / these images/products out of Second Life.

See item in Second Life
  • Prim Beards (XYZ Resizable, Tintable)
  • Tattoo Layer Beards (Tintable)
  • Original Designs
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full star full star full star full star full star Posted September 10, 2014 by MisterG0reMonger

Looks really great on and it does tint. Granted, you've gotta jimmy it around a bit and fail a few times. But, you can get it.

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