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Las Islas - Naima Hanging Bridges - Slex -

Las Islas - Naima Hanging Bridges - Slex -
Las Islas - Naima Hanging Bridges - Slex -
5 Reviews

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Naima Las Islas Hanging rope bridges

Hi all this set features several shapes including 10 m 20 m 30 m and 40 m Low Prim long rope hanging bridges , they combine together to create long and short passageways that can be placed to hang over areas and can be walked and crossed upon .

The collision prims are red and once you have rezzed the object placed into position click on the red prim to make it become invisible and remove scrit inside .

Only the Support object is made of a slight reduced in size shape compared to the prim dimensions to make a better lod and preserve also from distance the view , anyway it is mod so u just stretch to shape at the size you like ...

this pack now includes some scripts to change the textures of some objects to a matching texture with my furnitures set , in case you want of course , you just drop in the prim this script and then cick on it , chose the texture and then chose completed , the prim will change the texture and after completition will selfdelete...

Important :

When you rez theitem is made of tree pieces unlinked , so you need to select all of them to move around and place where you want to , once done you can click on the red prims ot make them disappear ....

I hope you like it ...


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Nice looking product
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted June 28, 2011 by Garnet Trilling

Had issues hooking 2 spans together

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L$ 950

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Las Islas
Las Islas
Sold by: Naiman Broome

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