Laser Gun Blaster
Laser Gun Blaster INFO.
. Look for the newly created folder called Laser Gun Blaster and select wear. Laser Gun Blaster will automatically reload at 100 pulses in use or you can force a manual reload by using the /9reload command.
To adjust the Laser Gun Blaster you will need to first press and hold CTR ALT then Press t. This will switch on the infra red view.
You will now see a red beam in your left hand. Right click one and select edit you will now be able to adjust Laser Gun Blaster in turn from the end furthest away from the hand. It is a bit tricky but patience will be rewardedare. After adjustments have been made press and hold CTR ALT and press t again this will switch off the infra red view.
This weapon may be used with one melee aslo.
To make Laser Gun Blaster active type draw in the chat bar
To make Laser Gun Blaster inactive type sling
To reload the Laser Gun Blaster /9reload
or to activate and decativate Laser Gun Blaster activate the gestures that came with the folder.
This is a 41 Linden $ store creation.
L$ 41
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